Greek daily news

Greek Daily News 10/10/2023



-Eurobank, Greece’s largest lender by market capitalization, has repurchased a 1.4% stake in itself from state-controlled bank bailout fund HFSF to end the state’s participation in its share capital, the bank said on Monday.

-The Greek economy is expected to grow by 2.5% this year and by 2% in 2024, significantly exceeding average growth rates of 0.7% and 1.2% in the Eurozone, the International Monetary Fund said in its World Economic Outlook report released on Tuesday.

-Greece spends 2.5 million to “green” Halki, Kastellorizo and Antikythera, upgrading the lives of residents, stimulating tourist interest and protecting their ecosystem, upgrading the lives of residents, stimulating tourist interest and protecting their ecosystem, Oikonomikos Taxydromos reported.


Local and regional election results recorded on Sunday in 13 regions in the country: Ruling ND confirms dominance winning 7 out of 13 regions, PASOK, KKE make gains, as SYRIZA continues slide. Six regions are heading to a runoff vote. Turnout was just 52% across the country.


Greece has the lowest quality of life index of all the EU member states, with more than 1 in 3 Greeks (36%) living with a low quality of life, according to the study “The Impact of Under-Investment in Medicine and Health Services: The Cases of Poland, Romania and Greece” recently published in the Eurohealth Journal.