-Greece ranks second-last in terms of GDP per capita in the EU for 2022 (33% below the European average) behind only Bulgaria (38% below the EU average), according to Eurostat.
-The Greek Parliament approved the 2024 State Budget on Sunday after a five-day debate, AMNA reported. The 2024 budget passed with 158 lawmakers in favour and 142 lawmakers against in the 300-member body. The budget forecasts 2.9% growth in the economy for 2024, up from a projected 2.4% in 2023.
-Hikes in the social security contributions of freelancers, the self-employed and farmers are expected to end up at between 3.9% and 4% on an annual basis for 2024, Kathimerini reported.
-The total passenger traffic in Greek ports in the second quarter 2023 recorded an increase of 6.4% on an annual basis, the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) data showed.
-A total of 83% of foreign leisure travelers visit the Acropolis, while 56% choose Athens for its archaeological sites and cultural interest, according to a survey carried out by the Athens-Attica & Argosaronic Hotel Association. When it comes to accommodation, the average score for hotel facilities is 8.8 out of 10.