Greek daily news

Greek Daily News 20/03/2024



-The nominal value of loans allocated to the private sector and serviced by domestic Credit Servicing Firms (CSFs) decreased by €1.72 billion in the last quarter of 2023, according to the Bank of Greece (BoG).


Greek buyers are most active in the Capesize sector as values increase by nearly 50% in one year, according to Veson Nautical.


-Services providers active in accommodation in Greece saw turnover in January increase by 11.9% year-on-year, amounting to €94,097,348, compared to €84,061,799 in January 2023, according to ELSTAT, Greece’s statistical authority. In the same month, turnover in Greece’s businesses that provide F&B (food and beverages) services showed an 10.4% growth year-on-year in January, amounting to €176,829,556.

-Hotels in Greece’s capital Athens reported the strongest value growth (11.2%) among 33 cities in Europe in 2023 compared to 2022, according to the 2024 European Hotel Valuation Index released by global hotel consultancy HVS.

-Greece ranked 18th among 30 countries whose citizens were affected the least by visa restrictions in 2023, according to UN Tourism’s “Tourism Visa Openness Report 2023”.