Greek daily news

Greek Daily News 27/07/2024



-Half of the workers in Greece (45%), to a lesser or greater degree, are unable to easily cope with their obligations, while one in three works more than 48 hours per week, according to the annual report of the Labor Institute (INE) of the GSEE on the Greek economy and employment.

-In the EU, the duration of working life averaged 36.9 years, according to the 2023 data collected by Eurostat. However, the expected average duration of working life varied broadly among EU countries. The working life of Greeks, is 34.2 years.


-Tsantalis, one of the largest wine producers and wine trading houses in Greece, has filed for bankruptcy at the Thessaloniki Court, with the hearing scheduled for October 11, AMNA reported. The historic company is also seeking a date for the termination of its payments.


-From April to June 2024, reviews on tourism sites, including online travel agents and review platforms, highlighted high levels of satisfaction with the “tourist experience” in Greece. The country achieved an impressive satisfaction rate of 9.2 out of 10, according to the Key Sentiment Indexes on Greece’s Online Social Reputation, published regularly by INSETE, the research institute of the Greek Tourism Confederation (SETE), and TCI Research.

(Source: INSETE)

-In H1 2024, the average occupancy rate in Athens hotels reached 75.5% compared to 72.9% in 2023, up 3.5%, according to the Athens-Attica & Argosaronic Hotel Association. 3-star hotels (83%), followed by 4-star (75.2%) and 5-star (69.6%) showed the best average occupancy at the 6-month level.

-The Greek passport ranks sixth among the world’s most powerful, according to new data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), released by Henley & Partners this week.